Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge

In 2007 a programme of conservation works began at Trinity College Chapel. And as part of this a full review of the old 1930s underfloor heating system - the results of which clearly indicated that a modern underfloor heating system would benefit the Chapel, Side Chapel, Choir Vestry & the Altar areas.

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Modern Underfloor Heating For A Historic Chapel

Modern Underfloor Heating For A Historic Chapel

The beautiful Chapel, part of the Cambridge University site, was constructed in 1366, during the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth I, and was intended to be the place where the Master, Fellows and Scholars of the College made their daily acts of worship, as an integral part of their life and study.

Today, its purpose remains the same. The building is also used for formal ceremonies and events within College and serves as a fine venue for musical performance.

Thermo Floor UK were chosen in 2011 to provide this new underfloor heating system plus screed, and our skilled engineers installed bespoke LT-N Low Temperature manifolds, with flow and return feeds off the manifolds to serve 6 radiators within the chapel area.

In total this project used 2500m (1.6 miles) of 20x3.4mm tube. The types of floor build-up that Thermo- Floor selected fitted within the existing building structures. The Chapel and the alter was a within screed system, and the floor build up to in the Side Chapel and the Choir Vestry was a between joist system.

The outcome: Thermo-Floor UK created a bespoke underfloor heating system that maintains a constant temperature to the key areas of the building. Our engineers sympathetically installed the system with maximum skill and care to preserve the historic construction and layout of the famous chapel.

Modern Underfloor Heating For A Historic Chapel Brochure

Download the case study for the Modern Underfloor Heating For A Historic Chapel for information on the project.

Facts and Figures


  • Floor area : 410 m²
  • Insulation: Rc = 0.22 m².K/W
  • Floor insulation: 410 m²

Source of energy

  • Low Temperature heating system

Climate System

  • Heating system;
  • Active heating up to 50°C flow
  • Weather compensator


  • Full service project execution
  • LT-N- low temperature manifolds for heating
  • 1.6 miles of underfloor pipe
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